Moses is one of our fellow Bonner Leaders graduating this May. He is majoring in Business Management with a Minor in Economics. Beyond the classroom, Moses is heavily engaged in on-campus leadership clubs and events including work as President of the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Co-President of Management & Marketing Club, and Wagner Cares. Moses joined the Bonner Program as a freshman. After graduating from Port Richmond High School, he wanted to give back to the community.
Fun fact
Moses is originally from Honduras. He moved to the US when he was 15 and holds dual nationality.
What made you join the Bonner Program?
I was always very involved with the community because it gave me a lot like while I was in high school, so I wanted to give back. I didn’t want to wait until I got money to help, so I decided to start helping the community right now while I can: I'm here and I have time right now.
What were your placements over the years?
1. Los Potrillos Restaurant
I redesigned the menu, worked on getting credit and debit cards to work there. We also tried to strategize how to get more foot traffic. Another thing that we did is modernize the way they kept track of their expenses and account for the past four years to see an accurate track of how the business is doing. Then we analyzed that and compared it to what her projections were.
2. L. C. M. Communications
Here I essentially did the same thing but on a bigger scale.
3. CARA (College Access Research and Action Program)
I worked at Port Richmond High School, where I helped students with college or trade school applications, doing opportunity programs. I also work with students one-on-one, as a guidance counselor for career development. In that position I worked with almost 1000 students for two years and I managed to help increase graduation rates and opportunity programs.
4. Catholic Charities
I was an intern. In this role I worked with people who needed help with applying or studying for GDS exams. I also helped them with different processes such as applying to get benefits from the government Such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), One-Shot Deal (which helps individuals who can not meet an expense due to an unexpected situation or event e.g. homelessness, eviction, fire disaster, Domestic violence) and Fair Fare MetroCard program (which reduces the fare required by half). In addition to that,I helped with job search, resume building, cover letter building, and interview preparation. Finally, I went out to organizations to see if they wanted to become partners with the Catholic Charities.
5. Eagle Academy
This is my current placement. Every Saturday I go and mentor middle school students of colors regarding financials, classes or anything related to life in general. We had conversations about controversial topics and how to express our emotions regarding these.
Has your Bonner experience helped you gain experience in your area of study/work?
Absolutely. As a management major, I really enjoyed my administrative role at Los Potrillos because I got to see the insides and the outsides of the business: how to take into account competition, how to set prices accordingly and how the supply chain works. I think it was useful.
Would you say that all of your placements related to you to what you want to do in the future?
Not necessarily. Aside from my placement at Los Potrillos, every other placement helped me gain transferable skills, while focusing on service.
Both placements you had this past academic year were virtual, correct?
Yes. I personally found it very convenient because I saved time and money on transportation. For my placement, I could wake up, get ready and put myself in front of a computer and start working. Or I could do all the work for the next week in advance, and then be done for the week; it doesn’t matter as long as the task gets done. So it was a blessing in disguise for me.
What is your Senior Capstone Project?
I'm currently working with Kiersten on a fundraising project. We are working on this project with Snug Harbor, a nonprofit in Staten Island. One of their initiatives is a theater program, which is why they have a whole room full of clothes. They also get a lot of donations as well. So Kiersten and I sorted through the clothes and took the ones they’re not using anymore, cleaned them, and we’re going to sell them. The sale is going to happen in the Union Atrium on May 1st.
We’re then going to donate the funds to Snug Harbor so they can use it in the community and for a few projects they have going on such as renovating some old buildings that are falling apart.
Looking back on the four years, do you have any advice for younger Bonners?
A piece of advice I would give them is to be involved and very intentional: think about how a placement can align with their major and professional goals, and also consider what the needs of the community are. Also, focus on networking because you never know who can help in the future. I would definitely sit down with someone and have lunch and explain it in depth, but those two principles would definitely be my take on the program.